Iranian Biotechnology Society- Governmental Organizations
Vice-presidency for Science and Technology

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Presidency of the Islamic Republic of Iran
Vice-presidency for Science and Technology

- Promotion of the national power, production of wealth and improvement the quality of people's life through increasing technological capabilities and innovation in the country
 - Promotion of "national innovation system" and completing the components and its chains
- Development of "knowledge-based economy" through intersectional and intersystem coordination and synergy
 - Promotion of relations among "knowledge", "industry" and "society" and facilitating the exchanges between the technological and innovation supply and demand sectors
 - Commercialization of the technological and innovative achievements and the development of the knowledge-based companies
 - Development of the strategic and nationally-prioritized technologies stresses in the country's comprehensive scientific plan
 - Advancing the international scientific, technological and innovative relations and the development of scientific and technological diplomacy
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